Monday, December 6, 2010


Politics is a touchy area to consider.  Between this and religion, it's hard to say which starts more arguments, though I think politics is the clear winner these days.  While it's probably an idea which seems unusual at first, that of trying to define political structures in a time when few people are going to care much about them any longer, I think it's important to be have solid information on politics.  After all, if you don't know how to organize, at least along some basic principles, then how can you realistically expect there to be any attempt at trying to bring about orderly trade and stable communities?

Part of this is also to help try to understand why we're in the situation we're in.  For example, banking doesn't cover just the basic principles of banking, but also how it can go disastrously wrong, as in the last few years.  In essence, politics is as much an effort to study how and why these systems develop in order to provide a means for avoiding some of the traps they can create (think "excess nationalism"/"fascism") as they are any kind of blueprint for how to build a government.  However, people who somehow have a utopian vision of human civilization reasserting itself in peace once the collapse has come and gone are sadly mistaken -- even without saving knowledge about the development of political power and governments, I think it's realistic to assume that it would redevelop somehow.  The best option seems to be able to provide cautionary examples and some guidance on how to provide a safe and just society for those interested in implementing it.

Trade, Barter and Money
Civil Rights
Organization of Government
Market Economy and Forces
Supply and Demand
Diplomacy and Intercommunity Relations
Parlimentary Procedure
Criminal and Civil Damages
Class Structures and Conflict
Group Organization and Leadership

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